Dear Friends,
I sure hope this finds you healthy and well!
On Thursday night we had some rain which is very rare in August in Oregon. The skies were beautiful. I captured the photo above as the sun was setting but lit up Mt Hood between two sets of clouds. You are looking east across the Willamette Valley in this photo.
For years, my exercise routine in Amity has been to “walk the hill”. It is from 750 feet in elevation down to the valley floor and just under 3 miles. I pass by the vineyards that make up about 60% of our production, often see the growers Carl Muska and Dick Crannell, horses, houses and farms. At the bottom of the hill, I have always loved this tree and piece of equipment but have never been able to get the right photo of it. The light was finally perfect this morning!

While I didn’t purposefully pick to be in Oregon right now, I am glad I did. We are in a magical time between the winding down of a busy summer in the tasting room and the ramping up for harvest in production. The energy is contagious!
In the tasting room, we are in our season of “lasts”. This week we had our last Pizza Friday for the year and next week will be our last summer concert. The tasting room overall has been super busy since we reopened since June 1. Watching the team execute their amazing food and wine service for over 200 guests the past two Saturdays has made me so proud. It has always been hard work but adding in all the extra steps for safety and cleanliness has been super impressive. Our team is the best!
I have had a great time lending a hand and especially talking with our guests. I even worked our pizza making class which was a bunch of fun.

I was able to spend time with some of our production team this week. Two of the team, including Winemaker, Chris, were on vacation. It is important that they all get time off in August before harvest. I will get to see them this week.
But the harvest work is beginning. Claire, our Assistant Winemaker, oversees all of our vineyards so she is in a sprint to get out to all of them and talk about thinning and other decisions. We had rain during bloom in June and as a result have lower yields by a good 20%. It has been humid (ok, not like the south for all of you who have real humidity!) and it even rained this week which is unusual. Communication with growers and walking the vineyards this time of year is critical.
In addition to that, there is lots to do in the cellar. All the equipment like the press and the forklift, get serviced, new barrels start arriving from France, and lots of cleaning takes place. We will be welcoming six harvest interns in a few weeks so we are getting their houses ready!
Lot’s of anticipation and excitement around here!


Our good friend, Paul Grieco, owner of Terroir in New York City, started a program called The Summer of Riesling close to a decade ago. This year, since his establishment is closed, he is doing a series of wine classes. He has invited our winemaker, Chris, to be his special guest at one of his classes. There is a three pack of Brooks rieslings featured as well as a webinar that Chris and Paul on September 7th. Sign up and purchase your wine today so you get it in time for the class!
Thoughts and prayers to all impacted by the fires in California. I personally know many that have had to evacuate their homes.
And to everyone, I hope you are remaining healthy and hopeful.
I head home on Tuesday. I am not really looking forward to the 10 hour drive but grateful that I am close enough to make the trip without flying. It will be hard to leave this magical place!
Please be in touch if there is anything I can do!
[email protected] 831-238-4828