The Misunderstood Wine, Paul Grieco and My Challenge To You!

A Movie and a Scintillating Wine

Updated: 4 minutes reading

Trailer for American Wine Story. The full version is now available on Amazon Prime Video. Queue it up!

Dear Friends,

I hope that you have had a good week and everyone remains healthy and safe.

The movie trailer, above, is a special telling of the Brooks story and other winery owners and their journey into the wine world. About half the film is the story of Brooks with so many of Jimi’s friends, myself and Pascal sharing stories. The last line of the film is my favorite and always reminds me of how quickly Pascal had to grow up. Grab a tissue before you watch it.

American Wine Story is now on Amazon Prime Video. It was filmed 7-8 years ago. This holiday season, I am organizing an American Wine Story reunion with some of the producers complete with wine! Enjoy the movie!


Party Crashers (Part Two)

Back in May, I shared with you the story of how our Ara Riesling was poured at President Obama’s First State Dinner also known as “The Party Crasher Dinner.” I mentioned then that there is another story to the party crashers drinking the Ara Riesling.

The State Dinner was in 2009. I am guessing it was in 2011 when Jonathan Cain, the keyboardist for Journey, came to the tasting room at Brooks. He was hosted by Winemaker, Chris and Director of Wine Club Happiness, Heather. Jonathan’s favorite wine was the Ara. He enjoyed his time and invited Heather and Chris to come to his Journey/Foreigner concert in Portland, to come back stage afterwards and requested they bring some Ara.

After the concert, they took the Ara and were meeting and greeting others and filling glasses backstage. It just so happens, the wife in the party crasher couple, Michaele, was now dating Neal Schon of Journey. So backstage, and unbeknownst to her, she drank the Ara Riesling for the second time-at the Journey concert and at the State Dinner! Ha!

If she did know what she was drinking, I am sure she would love to get her hands on this new release! Announcing the release of the 2018 Ara Riesling!

We are super excited to release this wine! And honestly, this review says it better than I can:

94 points. Wine and Spirits Magazine – Patrick J. Comiskey

“Our panelists found this wine scintillating. Clean, tangy, tingly and “it squeaks” were just a few of the excited descriptors they used, but none of them capture the depth of flavor, the phenolic grip, the pop and tingle of the acidity or its penetrating line. It’s got the power to age, though the lemon-peel and green-apple flavors would work well now with tuna crudo.”


I Need Your Input

I am big believer in not running a business in a silo. I am constantly networking with my team, with wine industry colleagues, with leaders outside of the wine industry and with the biggest stakeholders of all, you, our dear supporters.

In the next two weeks, I am going to hold a series of zoom meetings to accomplish a few things. I want you all to truly understand where Brooks is from a business standpoint, get input from you about where we are heading as well as new products we are developing and what you want for the holidays.

Be on the lookout from another email me from this week inviting you to participate! I cannot wait to connect with you!

I am taking what feels like a big step this week. I am used to being on the road 2 weeks a month. I have been home since March 9th. Travel seems daunting. I know my family will be happy though because I will go through my regular routine of getting the house cleaned up and organized before I go!

I will be driving 12 hours to the winery. It is time to go, participate in our events and get ready for harvest. If you are in the area, I will be there daily from Friday, August 14th-22nd. I am looking forward to seeing the team, eating Chef Norma’s food every day, experiencing Saturday Brunch, a Summer Concert, a pizza making class and Pizza Friday! If you are around, I hope you will come by!

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!

Feel free to reach out anytime: [email protected] cell: 831-238-4828.

All my best,
