April in the Brooks Estate Garden

Updated: 3 minutes reading

“Attention is the beginning of devotion.” – Mary Olive, Upstream: Selected Essays

The wild chorus of birds greets me on this spring morning as I step out into the garden, taking in all the new growth. Not wanting to take a moment for granted, I walk the paths, smiling at the hummingbird who acts each morning as a sentinel for the day, sitting on the upper branch of a vine maple. Turning to the work at hand, I greet the chickens, who run toward me with spring cheer. Gathering the bounty of eggs in April feels symbolic of spring life, of this season of new growth and opportunity. This symbol is everywhere in the garden as green shoots emerge in the warming and lengthening of days. Surrounded by this banquet of green, I, too, feel I have awakened from my winter rest.

I make my way to the potager garden to harvest the early spring crops of baby arugula, spinach, mache, and lemony sorrel greens. These emerging greens likewise initiate a stirring in my body, washing out the heavier foods of winter, nourishing and sustaining me through these active spring days. Laden with eggs and greens, I walk past the row of daffodils and feel a surge of gratitude, taking a moment to pause and admire the gifts of their blooms.

With all the joys that spring brings, I easily lose my ability to focus, enraptured by the budding out of the quince tree, all the while knowing I need to be weeding, sowing seeds, and preparing for the arrival of the new chicks. The long winter months stir such a longing for this time of growth. However, when spring arrives, I am often so busy that I feel as if I am taking it all for granted.

In order to fully appreciate this season, I have started focusing on one task at a time, and following it through to completion. With this in mind, I have spent my time, whether weeding, mulching, creating a pumpkin patch, or expanding the chickens’ pasture feeling lighter in my heart, knowing that in focusing my intention at each job, I am better able to appreciate each new daffodil blossom I stroll by, to take a moment to gaze at the kestrel hovering above or the bluebird who coyly emerges from her birdhouse. In giving each task my devotion, I feel more clear-headed, immersing myself in all that it brings. This is the work of intentionality; it grounds us in our purpose, helps us slow down, to be present for the nuances of each change that spring brings.

-With Love from the Garden


Farm to Table

Food from Brooks' April menu in the tasting room.

This month, our tasting room menu features the following items from the Brooks Estate Garden: garlic, carrots, onion, herbs, salad greens, honey, beets, and jalepenos.