
Picture-perfect sunrises and sunsets are easy to find throughout Willamette Valley like this view at Brooks Wine in Amity.

Dirt Matters

Dear Friends, I arrived in the Willamette Valley late Tuesday night and woke up to this sky and vineyard covered in beautiful golden leaves. It has been a good first week. Harvest is past us and the focus now is on finishing the aromatic whites wines. We are all so eager to have Amycas and…

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Clones Matter and Last Call

Clones Matter and Last Call

Dear Friends, Happy Halloween! I have so many memories with the kids on this day. I still remind my daughter when she was two years old and dressed up as Snow White. She convinced me to dress up as Grumpy in the full Disney suit.  She clearly had me (well, still does) wrapped around her finger!…

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Boats, Barrels and Bottles

Boats, Barrels and Bottles

Dear Friends, Today is the last day of vacation. We have had a fabulous time as it was the first time we have gone away together since COVID. It didn’t quite replace the Brooks trip to Siciliy but it was so fun. Our highlight, for sure, was our four-hour sailboat trip in the San Francisco…

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Friends in "High" Places

Friends in “High” Places

Dear Friends, I am officially on vacation for the first time since COVID. With Sicily being postponed for 2 years in a row (mark your calendars for October 2022), we decided to still use the vacation days but stay a little closer to home. Our trip started in Long Beach to attend my son’s graduation.…

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Of Pressing Importance

Of Pressing Importance

Dear Friends, I hope you have had an excellent week. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I spent the day eating out for lunch and dinner with my husband and daughter. During COVID, I cannot remember the last time I ate two meals out in one day. It was nice to spend that…

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Harvest Has Officially Begun!

Harvest Has Officially Begun!

Dear Friends, What an exciting week at Brooks! Our six harvest interns are settled in and have completed their first 15 hour day yesterday! We received Muscat from Muska Vineyard and Gewurztraminer from Oak Ridge Vineyard early in the week. The photo above is receiving our first pinot noir of the vintage. And what made…

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