
More To Celebrate!

More To Celebrate!

Dear Friends, Three years ago this weekend, for my 50th birthday, I went on a National Geographic Photography Expedition in Yellowstone. It was a photographer’s heaven. We are supposed to get snow in the Willamette Valley this week. It is not quite the same as this but gets me in the mood for snow! I…

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A Stable Base

A Stable Base

Dear Friends, As we all have experienced, COVID has upset businesses and lives across the world. Brooks was greatly impacted too, but thanks to your support of buying wine and visiting us, we have pulled through to take 2021 head-on. One of the greatest lessons I learned last year was how fragile revenue sources can…

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, I hope you all had a restful and safe holiday season. While the year on the calendar has changed, we continue to fight the spread of the virus, our front line workers are working harder than ever and so many more people are being diagnosed with COVID. And now, the new strain of…

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The Holidays Are Here

The Holidays Are Here

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy, safe, and enjoying the holiday season. I love this point in the holidays. We are almost out of time to shop for anything that needs to be shipped. My menu for the week is done as well as the grocery list. One more trip to the…

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My Heart Is Full!

My Heart Is Full!

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. It was another busy work week. I would be afraid to clock my work hours during this time. My weeks used to be filled with the distraction of travel. My distraction now seems to be virtual events. And boy, am I on cloud nine…

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The Importance of Perspective

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. We were able to reopen outdoors this week. Oregon has come up with a formula-driven classification system applied to each county that determines how businesses can operate. At this time, most counties, including ours, is in the “extreme” risk category. The primary measure to…

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Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. Looking back at last week when I wrote my email, I was still feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under me. My focus was narrow and it was on the business and our team. A week has gone by and I…

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Shut Down Again!

Shut Down Again!

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. I have spent a wonderful three weeks in “my happy place”. It has been incredible to think of all I have done and how much time I spent with my team and our guests. I feel truly blessed. Today I will drive the long…

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