Nature's finest bright yellow wildflowers in full bloom during a visit to Willamette Valley in Oregon.

Celebrate The Season!

Updated: 3 minutes reading

Dear Friends,

What a couple of busy weeks in Oregon! It has been so great to spend time with our team and guests. Time is flying.

Almost every day that I am here I “walk the hill”. The winery is perched 750 feet up in the Eola Hills. Walking the hill is a 2 mile stretch from the winery to the valley floor and back up. Not only is it great exercise but it is beautiful. You pass by vineyards, of course, but also by horses, orchards, annoying dogs that bark too much, cute chickens and, all the while, passing flowers, looking at Mt Hood, and hearing the birds. It is a wonderful way to start the day.

Happy Sunday!

Best Wine Club in the US?

Heather's amazing garden basket

I have 60 pages of accolades from our Wine Club Members–most of which have said we already are the best Wine Club in America! Woohoo and thank you! But that is not enough for me! I will continue to amend and add to our benefits to ensure it is the best possible experience whether you are near or far! You don’t have to be local to enjoy the perks!

The ladybugs are out and it is time to enjoy Spring! Our very own Director of Wine Club Happiness has put together our next “Join The Club” sweepstakes gift. Through now and the end of June, have a chance of winning this AWESOME gardening basket if you join any of our Wine Clubs. It includes: 

  • Cedar birdhouse
  • Brooks logo Opinel wooden garden knife
  • Hummingbird feeder
  • Tin garden sign
  • Citronella candle
  • Organic vegetable seeds mix
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Nasturtium seeds
  • Solar string light
  • 2 Brooks go vino glasses
  • Brooks logo water bottle
  • 2 Brooks metal straws
  • Wildflower seed packs
  • Garden gloves

See why our wine club members love us!

May’s Perfect Pairing

This dish is SO DELICIOUS! Shrimp with wild mushrooms in a lemon cream sauce! Watch the video or use the recipe card and make this scrumptious meal. It pairs perfectly with the  2017 Wascher Riesling. It is tough duty having to eat at the winery every day, but someone has to right?

Get the recipe and make it at home!

Oregon changed it’s mask restrictions this week. We have not changed any policies yet at Brooks. The safety of our team and guests is paramount so until we get clearer guidance, masks are required at all times unless actively eating or drinking. I am here for a bit longer. If you are near by, come see me!

Cheers all–reach out any time: [email protected] or cell 831-238-4828.
