Dear Friends,
Three years ago this weekend, for my 50th birthday, I went on a National Geographic Photography Expedition in Yellowstone. It was a photographer’s heaven. We are supposed to get snow in the Willamette Valley this week. It is not quite the same as this but gets me in the mood for snow!
I hope this finds you safe and healthy. January used to be considered a quiet month but it sure isn’t anymore. Between compiling all the reports needed to complete 2020, as well as detailed planning for 2021, there never seems to be a dull moment. It is also a month full of recognition for accomplishments. I think we can all agree, just getting through 2020 was an accomplishment!
Last week, I shared a wonderful accomplishment with you about Brooks being included in a list of 150 Real Leader companies in the world that are making the greatest impact. Humbling and mind-blowing to see the other companies on the list. This week, we were given more recognition that is once again humbling and I have shared it below.
Happy Sunday!
This week, Wine Industry Network recognized 10 individuals as the most inspiring people in wine.
“The North American wine industry is fortunate to have many passionate and inspiring luminaries, some that grew up among the vines, and others that brought their drive and ingenuity from other industries, but they all help to advance our industry and grow the pool of wine talent for the future. The Wine Industry Advisor have selected ten of Wine’s Most Inspiring People to recognize for their contribution to the North American wine industry.
These people have been a service to the industry, inspired others with their approach to life and business, their hard earned achievements, and their attitude and values. We hope reading about them will inspire future wine stars.”
i was teary in December when I found out one of those 10 was me. And let’s be honest, very little is accomplished by a single person when we are talking about this magnitude. None of it would be possible without the support of all of you, having an amazing team to lean into and learn from, mentors to push you out of your comfort zone, and colleagues and friends that encourage you. I have been fortunate to have all of this help along the way.
I do believe in my heart that life should be purposeful with intent to maximize the good and minimize the bad. My mantra for years has been “head down, work hard and the good will come”. It is easy to get distracted but it is very important not to. Being a part of Brooks is a gift. In my previous career, I enjoyed what I did and I performed well but Brooks is a whole different level. My brother, Jimi, let passion lead his life and I did not until becoming a part of Brooks. And while I wish he and I could have worked together, I feel like he wanted me to have the enrichment in life that he did by letting passion lead the way. Brooks is my passion and I love what I do and why I do it. The story is the best life lesson I have ever had. And if the work I do can inspire others, the blessing is even greater.
The complete article can be found here.

As the article in Wine Industry Network discusses, Brooks is very focused on giving back. One example is the Grower Relief Fund (GRF) we created when our 2020 fruit was too impacted by smoke to make quality wine and our growers did not have crop insurance. I am happy to report that we have raised close to 40% of the total committed as of December 31, 2020. Additionally, we have worked with many of our growers to obtain crop insurance for the 2021 growing year. As a reminder, for each red wine purchased, $10 is contributed to the GRF and $5 for each bottle of white. All wines have the GRF logo on them in the on-line store. The Grower Relief Fund Campaign lasts though June and I have no doubt we will fund the entire amount. I will keep you posted on a monthly basis. Your support is making the difference! Thank you!
I am heading to the winery on Monday and CANNOT wait to see the team and be fed by Chef Norma!
If you are local, come see me! Reservations can be made here.
Call or email: (831) 238-4828 or [email protected]
Be well,