
Meet The Guards of Brooks Estate

Dear Friends, I hope you had a wonderful week. My week was filled with your responses to last week’s email about the Wine Club. SO many great ideas and comments. I have created a google doc of all and made it required reading for the entire company. Thank you so much for the love and…

The Misunderstood Wine, Paul Grieco and My Challenge To You!

The Misunderstood Wine, Paul Grieco and My Challenge to You!

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! In last week’s email, you were introduced to Papa Riesling, Don Byard. This week, you get to hear from him (above) and learn about one of our favorite wines from the Estate. And at the end, I have a challenge for you! Enjoy! The…

Auto Draft

You Are a Shining Star

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a wonderful, safe week. Hopefully you are taking a pause and enjoying Labor Day weekend. This weekend, for the last 16 years, has always been emotional. Our founder, my brother Jimi, passed away on September 4, 2004, the Saturday of the long weekend. You can find my recollection…

What's Love Got to Do with It?

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Dear Friends, After our first round of snow two weeks ago, we were hopeful that winter had passed. Then the forecast for this week appeared. We had rain, sleet, and more rain with freezing temperatures all day long. Each day we watched hoping to see improvements. It is a holiday weekend and we were sold…

Harvest, Love and Beyond Brooks Are in the Air!

Harvest, Love and Beyond Brooks Are in the Air!

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe and healthy. And thank you to all our healthcare workers on the front lines working so hard for everyone. I had my first COVID test out of an abundance of caution. Not pleasant but grateful that the result was negative. One of my favorite reasons for taking…

Food. Joy. Disco. The 3 Ps of Pinot!

Food. Joy. Disco. The 3 Ps of Pinot!

Dear Friends, It has been another fabulous week at Brooks! Everything ran smoothly as we brought 90 tons in the door this week. That is approximately 5,800 cases worth of wine. Winemaker Chris has set the mood in the white fermentation room with a disco ball and Abba. He pressed the first Pinot Noir for…

Spring Is In The Air

Spring Is In The Air

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you well, healthy and happy. I hope that the COVID cases where you live are decreasing. I wish I could say the same for Oregon. Sadly, cases are on the rise, more work for the brave people on the front lines, more people suffering from the virus and the…

A Stable Base

A Stable Base

Dear Friends, As we all have experienced, COVID has upset businesses and lives across the world. Brooks was greatly impacted too, but thanks to your support of buying wine and visiting us, we have pulled through to take 2021 head-on. One of the greatest lessons I learned last year was how fragile revenue sources can…

Woman with three tasting glasses of wine sitting in front of laptop computer

More sustainable, less impact

As any Brooks fan will know, sustainability has long been at the heart of everything we do, so when it came time to revamp our site in early 2022, the team at 5forests asked if we wanted to trial their Earth First Ecommerce® protocol to create a new type of website: one that isn’t terrible for the planet.

The French Connection

The French Connection

Dear Friends, Good morning from Amity, Oregon. The sun is out this morning for the first time since I arrived on Tuesday. It is a beautiful morning and hopefully a sign of the week to come. I just love it when the valley below us is socked in with fog and the mountains are out.…

Birthdays, Honors and Escapes

Birthdays, Honors and Escapes

Dear Friends, Good morning from Cambria, CA. January 17th is a special day for our family. My husband, David, and my son, Ryan, share the same birthday! They will be surprised when they get up to see that the Streamer Fairy, who puts streamers on the door of the bedroom, has found her way to…

July in the Brooks Estate Garden

“But to be fearful of the disease and yet unwilling to pay for the cure, is not just to be hypocritical, it is to be doomed. If you talk a good line without being hanged by what you say, then you are not just hypocritical and doomed, you have become an agent of the disease.”…