
Food. Glorious Food.

Food. Glorious Food.

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the holiday weekend. Thank you to all of you who have been sharing your “Aha moments” of Riesling with me. Please keep them coming. The gifts will be sent no matter when you share them! I am excited for all of you who purchased the Riesling…

Gifts for Good

Gifts for Good

Dear Friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for all of you, my team, my family, and all the gifts I have in this life. My son and his cat have returned home for the rest of the year so our gang is all back together and it feels great.…

Auto Draft

Let’s Go Beyond Brooks!

Dear Friends, I hope you have had a wonderful, safe week. And to all of you near fires and hurricanes, I hope you are safe. 2020 is unbelievable. I returned back to California from Oregon. It was a 10 hour drive. It was heartbreaking to drive through the smoke and see all the fire damage…

Community Is Key

Community Is Key

Dear Friends, It is hard to believe we are already on the last day of February. March and spring are around the corner! We are very happy to see cases continuing to decline in Oregon and that counties are moving to fewer restrictions for all. After three long months of being open outdoors only, we…


Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. Looking back at last week when I wrote my email, I was still feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under me. My focus was narrow and it was on the business and our team. A week has gone by and I…

What on Earth?

Dear Friends, This past Wednesday was Earth Day.  Brooks had so many different events that we were supposed to be a part of to celebrate.  But, honestly, we celebrate Earth day every day.  Surely one of the silver linings of this crisis is the reduction of our carbon footprint across the globe.   In the…

What? A Double Jimbow?

What? A Double Jimbow?

Dear Friends, The outpouring of support last week was overwhelming, in a good way. Not just the celebratory emails I received from so many of you, but all the 2018 Red Letter Pinot Noir we sold. Most importantly was the reminder for me that every day is precious and should be lived with intention. Since…

Of Pressing Importance

Of Pressing Importance

Dear Friends, I hope you have had an excellent week. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I spent the day eating out for lunch and dinner with my husband and daughter. During COVID, I cannot remember the last time I ate two meals out in one day. It was nice to spend that…

Friends in

Friends in “High” Places

Dear Friends, I am officially on vacation for the first time since COVID. With Sicily being postponed for 2 years in a row (mark your calendars for October 2022), we decided to still use the vacation days but stay a little closer to home. Our trip started in Long Beach to attend my son’s graduation.…

Boats, Barrels and Bottles

Boats, Barrels and Bottles

Dear Friends, Today is the last day of vacation. We have had a fabulous time as it was the first time we have gone away together since COVID. It didn’t quite replace the Brooks trip to Siciliy but it was so fun. Our highlight, for sure, was our four-hour sailboat trip in the San Francisco…