
Brooks Wine Named Green Company of the Year 2023!

In a remarkable triumph for sustainable practices and environmental responsibility, Brooks Wine has been honored with the prestigious title of Green Company of the Year 2023 by The Drinks Business.

Vineyard image

Harvest Update – 2020

Dear Friends, Fall is in the air for sure! I hope this finds everyone safe and healthy. As we are wrapping up harvest 2020, I wanted to share with you decisions we have made this year as well as October’s Perfect Pairing and some great news about a few of the Rieslings at Brooks. All…

Celebrate the Legacy of Brooks, the Upcoming Harvest and Bees!

Celebrate the Legacy of Brooks, the Upcoming Harvest and Bees!

Dear Friends, September 4th was the 17 year anniversary of our founder and my brother Jimi’s passing. This year it fell on a Saturday just like it did the day he died. Many of his friends texted me yesterday. It is always emotional but I always try to find the silver lining. September’s theme is…

My Heart Is Full!

My Heart Is Full!

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. It was another busy work week. I would be afraid to clock my work hours during this time. My weeks used to be filled with the distraction of travel. My distraction now seems to be virtual events. And boy, am I on cloud nine…

Brooks Wine being bottled

Sparkling and Our Investment in the Virtual Future

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you all well, safe and happy. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day. Join me in hoping for the fires to end in the Napa Valley. It is unbelievable that this region has been devastated by more fires. It is such a beautiful…

B Corp Declaration

The Declaration of Interdependence

Dear Friends, Happy Sunday! I hope you are safe, healthy and enjoying the start of Fall. It is my favorite season. I am happy to announce that our new air purifying system has been installed in the Tasting Room and on the Deck. As we move into a colder season, I am proud to have…

Happy New Year to You!

Happy New Year to You!

Dear Friends, I hope you had a joyous and restful holiday season and that you, your friends, and your family are healthy. A shout out to the front-line workers who have spent their holidays caring for others battling the virus. And to all of those affected by the fires in Colorado, my thoughts are with…

Auto Draft

Rosé Everyday, Virtual Tastings and What is Pascal Doing?

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! It is hard to believe it is the middle of July already. The concept of time is very odd during this pandemic. Pascal Update Paris has begun to reopen. Pascal, the winery owner and my nephew, has returned to work in the wine bar.…

The Sum is Greater Than Its Parts

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe and healthy. Some of you may be in states where reopening has begun. I hope this is going well. Happy Mother’s Day I am very blessed to be a mother of two wonderful children, Emily, 22 and Ryan,18. And I am not being boastful by saying “blessed”.…

Auto Draft

A Life Lesson Turned Tradition

Dear Friends, I hope this finds you safe, healthy and hopeful! For the past 15 years, this Sunday, the Sunday of the International Pinot Noir Celebration, would find me and hundreds of others exhausted after the 3 day celebration. Exhausted, in a good way. It is a true celebration of the love of Pinot Noir,…