Thank You for Rising to the Occasion

Thank You for Rising to the Occasion

Updated: 3 minutes reading

Dear Friends,

I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season. We sure are. It was so nice to have my son home. It was great for all of us and fun to see him and his sister enjoying each other’s company. He left at 5 am this morning to return to school tomorrow.

Last week, I shared stories of the years we traveled overseas at the end of the year. One of my favorite things to do is wake up early and walk the cities when no one else is around. I thought I would share one of my favorites. Photography is a passion of mine and to force me to work on my photos, I will be sharing many with you in these emails in 2021.

A lot of our team is back to work at Brooks. The tasting room is open, outdoors only still. It will be an interesting winter for sure. I went back to work yesterday focusing on our giving results for 2020 and will share with you more below.

Happy Sunday!


As most of you know, we are very committed at Brooks to do the right thing across our team, our guests, our wine club members, our service, our grower and supplier partners, how we run our business, and caring for our environment. While it is important every year, 2020 brought increased needs across the circles of our community. With your help, we rose to the occasion.

Brooks continued our commitment to 1% For The Planet in 2020 where we give back 1% of our gross revenue to an environmental focused not for profit. Founded by Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, his premise is simple. By living on this planet, we are stripping from it and if we all did a little bit, 1%, we could make a difference. In 2019 and 2020, we selected Kiss The Ground as our beneficiary. The company provides education on appropriate farming and its impact on us and our climate. They do this through courses and documentaries and are making a real difference. Every time you purchase from Brooks, you are supporting this cause.

Specific to 2020, many members of our community lost their jobs, especially in the hospitality industry. You may remember the Somm Collection we put together last spring. The purchase of specific wines made by sommeliers in collaboration with Brooks gave back to the Independent Restaurant Coalition, the United Sommelier Foundation, and the Southern Smoke Emergency Relief Fund. Again, your purchases made this happen!

A new program, Beyond Brooks, that started in 2020 and will continue monthly into 2021, gives back to WineUnify, focusing on accessible, affordable wine education to create a more diverse community of wine professionals.

As a result of all of these efforts and your tremendous support, Brooks has raised just over $50,000 for these causes!

Crack open that bottle and raise a glass to the good you have done!

Know that in this difficult time, you have truly made a difference in so many lives. From the bottom of my heart, and from all of us at Brooks, thank you for your support!


You hear from me all the time, but not our team. They are so very grateful for all of your support! Here are their thoughts on 2020 and looking forward to 2021! (Just scroll down a bit on home page for video)


Let’s power through what remains of 2020! See you for another great year in 2021!

I am here for you: [email protected] or cell 831-238-4828

Be safe and healthy,
